In this simple tutorial we show you how we did this photo shoot of the beautiful Veronica LaVery.

Recently I did a shoot with the Beautiful model Veronica Veronica LaVery, she is more than just a beautiful model but very good to work with and the images we put out were some of the best work we've done. I've had a few ask how we did this shot, so today we are going to show you how we did this shot. First ,we are shooting in Mystudio (that's the name) in Tulsa Oklahoma, and we are using the Canon 80D, with the settings of 1/160 ,Fstop of 9.0 and ISO 640 and use the Sigma 50mm art lens. What we did was have 2 fluorescent shop lights or shop lights setting on both sides of the model, the model is standing almost to the front of the lights.
I have her standing there because the back of the lights can give a good hair light and allows light to come around front without using a flash or modifiers. I'm a huge fan of shadows, alot of photographers like to get rid of them but I guess sometimes they have their place. I stand approximately 5ft away and am about eye level.

The right light as you can see, I have tilted down as to bring more even as she turns toward that direction. the back light serves as a really great hair light as well.